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Bill Rowell

 - Franklin County Vermont -


My people have participated in agriculture in this country since 1637, during the late 1700's some were listed as farmers in the northern wilderness, pioneers who settled Northern Vermont and Southern Quebec. I was raised on a dairy farm in Albany, Vermont, and served as an Air traffic controller in the United States Navy during the Vietnam era. Honorably discharged, I enrolled at Johnson State College majoring in History and Political Science. I attended graduate school at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia to study Urban Environmental Planning. Today I farm with my brother Brian in Franklin County, in the northwest corner of Vermont, near the Canadian border and lake Champlain.



  • Married for 46 years, wife Nancy is a retired IT Systems Project and Account Manager, a freelance artist and genealogist. 

  • One daughter, son in law and grandson.        

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CONTACT :  wbrowell1953@gmail.com