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The International Congress of Milk Producing Nations
by Bill Rowell, President
National Dairy Producers Organization
United States
I will begin by
expressing my gratitude to our friends from Argentina for
demonstrating leadership in the dairy industry, for their
careful attention to detail in organizing the Congreso
Internacional de Productores de Leche (CIPLE) , and for their
kind hospitality and friendship.
This International
Congress of Milk Producers was convened in Argentina in the City
of Villa Maria, Cordoba, September 19, 2011, the two day program
was repeated in Sunchales, Santa Fe, a region some 300 km
distant, and concluded there on September 23'rd. In attendance
were a total of 16 countries representing Latin America, North
America, Europe, and Oceania, each speaker was affiliated with a
notable dairy organization, and all were dairy producers. During
the week, after spending much of the day in conference, we
either visited farms or toured processing facilities, it was
evident that each of us were preoccupied trying to assess our
position in the marketplace; many of us were trying to envision
an improved economic position on the
world stage, each was looking for a bright spot on the
During the tours,
in stark contrast to the northeast, was the apparent lack of
farm buildings. Farms there consist of a substantial tract of
land, support a large herd of Holstein cattle in a warm dry
climate, but require no housing for the animals; an incredible
opportunity to reduce expense. However, reproduction there does
represent something of a challenge, animals aren't grouped by
stage of lactation or maturity. Subsequently, a system has been
developed to identify animals in heat, rather than the practice
of tail chalking, common to farmers in North America, a device
is taped to the back of the animal which activates after 2
seconds during a mount, a signal is sent via antenna to the data
base and recorded,
it is then recognized by the farmer.
Discussion during
the conference acknowledged that most milk producing nations
participate in the global market, Canada being the exception,
and that most use export markets to balance their milk supply
with market demand. In an effort to determine what a sustainable
dairy future might look like for the majority of us focus turned
to the cost of production in Australia and New Zealand, and then
to the projected volume of export from each of those two
countries. While it is clear that everyone depends on a fair
price to participate in the market, global or domestic, it is
understood that being efficient is not enough, opportunity will
ultimately be determined by cost of production in each
respective region of the world, and driven by market demand.
Argentina has an
incredible land base very favorable for agriculture, as they
participate in the global market as a milk producing nation
there is uneasy recognition of global competition for their
grain resources, chiefly soy, but also corn, which tends to
increase their cost of producing milk. In a country with a
population of 44 million people positioned close to Brazil,
which also has incredible potential, the question very quickly
turns to that of competitive advantage; of primary focus are
cost of production, the diversity and quality of products being
produced for the marketplace, suitable pricing formulas, a
favorable national dairy policy, and the ever present question
of sustainable practice.
The objective of
this event was to engage other milk producing nations for an
exchange of information, evaluate their policies and practice,
identify those preferred, and create a system under which the
production and marketing of milk would prove favorable over
current practice. This event engaged political leaders from the
local Mayor up to the National Minister of Agriculture, it
engaged the producer, the processor, and the milk handler, it
also challenged everyone in attendance to take responsibility
for their role as it pertains to the dairy industry.
countries, but not all, are capable of producing enough food to
sustain the needs of their population, many produce food well
beyond that need, as we compete with one another for a share of
the global market we begin to understand that an oversupply of
any commodity on the market causes price to deteriorate.
Many of the countries in attendance recognize the need
for a management tool which encourages producing for market
demand, but also one that is capable of reducing supply as
markets recede. Presently, the United States is involved in an
effort to design and implement a management tool along those
lines, it is a priority for us here in the states to reduce
volatility in the dairy industry, but more specifically, to
address the issue of sustainability in the producer sector. We
have recently introduced a bill in the U.S. Congress, it is our
hope to move the industry forward along the lines of reason and
common sense, but since dairy producers have
failed to agree on a solution, we have enlisted the help
of our congressional delegates.
Although we
came to this event from many places around the world, and
recognized one another as competitors, each appeared to hold the
other in high regard as friend, in fact, I do not recall anyone
at the conference I would consider otherwise. Wish us the best
for our effort here in the states as we work toward an improved
future, on behalf of our friend Doug Maddox and myself, we offer
each of you kind regards.