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FMMO Milk Pricing Issue 2024
March 23, 2024
3/19/2024 - Letter to USDA Secretary
3/20/2024 - Agricultural Marketing Service response to 3/19/2024 letter
3/22/2024 - Response to the Agricultural Marketing Service Administrator
A Look at the Dairy Industry
January 23, 2023
Hosted by Bill Sayre WDEV radio, presented by Bill Rowell.
Listen here
Dairy Market Competition
January 2023
During 1970 there were 648,000
dairy farms operating in the United States, by 1988 the number
was 216,000, and by 2018 there were 40,000
remaining. Milk production at that point was 217
Billion lbs., better than
half of which (50.3 %) , was produced by 2.9 % of those farms.
Read the article
Dairy Producers Alliance Letter to the US Secretary of
Dairy Producers Alliance Letter to Sonny Perdue, April 15, 2020
Read the letter
Green Mountain Dairy Tour
August 2019
Green Mountain Dairy hosting a farm
tour for a group of farmers and scientists from Turkmenistan.
Pictured with Bill are several members of the group. They
were interested in knowledge of modern
agricultural methods to better address the needs of feeding
their population. The event was arranged through the U.S.
Department of State and the Vermont office of International

As Dairy Farms Head
Into 5th Year Of Low Milk Prices, Support Builds For Supply
VPR John Dillon, January 31, 2019
After four years of low milk prices experts
say to expect little improvement in 2019. As the downward spiral
continues, policymakers are increasingly looking for ways to
control the milk supply to stop the price freefall......
Read the article
Avoiding The Issue
Bill Rowell, November
15, 2018
co operatives are beginning to recognize a need to manage their
milk supply. Federal regulation allows this practice, and is
presently being utilized by a couple of the larger
Read the paper.
Bill Giving Citizens
Right To Sue Over Water Pollution Has Financially Strapped
Farmers On Edge
Bill Rowell, chairman of Vermont
Dairy Producer's Alliance (VDPA) is interviewed at the
statehouse by John Dillon for the VPR evening news. May 7, 2018
Listen to the interview
As State Regs Tighten, Vermont Dairy Farmers Seek Unifying Voice
Leon Thompson, Vermont Correspondent, Sept 23, 2016
Lancaster Farming
Read the article
Farmer and GMO Proponent Likes Federal Bill But Others Are Not
Leon Thompson, Vermont Correspondent, Jul 30, 2016
Lancaster Farming
Read the article
Unhealthy Fixation
By William Saletan,
July 15, 2015
"The war against genetically modified
organisms is full of fear mongering, errors, and fraud. Labeling
them will not make you safer.".....Read the article
USA Today GMO Story
D’Ambrosio, USA TODAY
3:41 p.m. EDT, June 9, 2014
Burlington, Vt. -- There was a celebration on the Statehouse
steps in May when Gov. Peter Shumlin signed a bill into law that
made Vermont the first state to require labeling....Read
Letter of
September 13, 2014 - Letter of
appreciation for hosting a farm tour and participating in
The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) conference on "Ag
Read the letter here
Cow Power Turns Manure Into Electricity
Sheldon, Vt., October 19, 2013
This idea was the seed,
according to Bill Rowell: If a region, state or country wants to
be energy independent, with stability, and protect its
environment, it should use its available resources.
To Vermont
farmers, their most abundant resource was obvious...Read
Farm Bill
June 25, 2012
I will begin by offering my
thanks to the many of you who have put great effort into
improving national policy for the dairy farmer, since there is
little time for you to hear from everyone I will be brief. I
notice that progress on dairy at times seems to stall, and that
lobbyists are quick...Read more
Dairy Bill
Status Report
I am writing to request your consideration and support, and to implement the
management tools necessary to prevent the next crisis, which is slated for
2012 if we choose to continue this three year cycle of boom and bust. This
devastation can likely be avoided if we prepare ourselves. During 2009 there was little argument as markets began to
recede, the producer sector found itself relying on tools and
policy that proved incapable of correcting a problem ...
Read more
A Farewell Tribute To Our
Friend, Doug Maddox
Riverdale, California, December 27, 2011
To read click here.
International Congress of Milk Producing Nations
I will begin by
expressing my gratitude to our friends from Argentina for demonstrating
leadership in the dairy industry, for their careful attention to detail in
organizing the Congreso Internacional de Productores de Leche (CIPLE) , and
for their kind hospitality and friendship. This International Congress of
Milk Producers was convened in Argentina in the City of Villa Maria,
Cordoba, September 19, 2011, the two day program was repeated in Sunchales,
Santa Fe, a region some 300 km distant, and concluded there on September
23'rd. In attendance were a total of 16 countries...
Read more
the downturn of 2006, we watched trailer loads of milk leave our farm well
below what was considered fair market value, the next crisis had already
been predicted for 2009, and it was to be followed by yet another sometime
during 2012, so on and so forth; we recognized our lack of control over the
situation then, and its similarity to the 50's and 60's on our Dad's farm.
We agreed that change in national dairy policy would have to take place one
day soon and finally recognize the producer as being key to a viable dairy
industry, that it would be necessary to develop management tools to address
the needs of the producer, and that allowing industry partners to speak for
producers all these years had been an apparent oversight on our part, the
producer community.
Read more
A Unified National
Response as Dairy Producers
The National Dairy Producers Organization Inc. is a 501 c3 not
for profit corporation formed in compliance with Delaware state
law, the organization came to exist legally on November 19,
2010. We
established a Board of Directors from the organizing committee
and then elected corporate officers. Our
attorney is Mr. Fred Fielding who served as General Counsel for
three U.S. Presidents, and whose offices are located on
Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C. Membership consists of
voting members and associate members, voting members must either
be a current or retired dairy farmer; associate members are
typically those whose livelihood depends on the milk check such
as vendors, which account for much of our rural infrastructure
across the nation. Anyone can join the organization as an
associate member
Read more
The Morses Line Port of
September 25, 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen, this morning we intend to demonstrate our
need and community support for keeping the Morses Line Port of
Entry open. Morses Line is a small Port of Entry and does not
account for high volumes of traffic experienced at major ports,
although it does serve as relief for Highgate Springs during
times of heavy traffic, or crisis. To read
the entire speech click here.
USDA/US DOJ Dairy Workshop
Planting our crops is a great effort and expense, planning, preparing, and
then waiting for favorable conditions. Positive results are essential to our
livelihood and the decision to proceed usually comes down to common sense
and gut instinct, conditions have to be just right, waiting is difficult and
time is money.
Since 1970, we have seen the number of dairy farms in this country drop from
648,000 to the 54,000 remaining today. We have seen the consolidation of a
number of small farms result in 1 large farm.
Read more
American Farm Bureau Meeting
January 18, 2010
In view of the fact that
the American Farm Bureau (AFB) represents a cross section of
agriculture in the United States, its voice is something of a
barometer for policy decisions at the Congressional level.
The AFB held its annual
meeting January 9 – 13 at the Washington State Convention &
Trade Center in Seattle, Washington this year. Delegates
represented all fifty states before an audience, which exceeded
5,000 attendees.
The diversity of
agriculture represented at the meeting and AFB policy on the
vast array of topics required a great deal of time, patience and
consideration to move forward in the better interest of our
country. To read
more about the trip click here.
The Producer's Voice
rely on history in our search to move forward, it recounts lessons of our
success and failure and is littered with the many experiments, which put us
here today. Some of the problems we face today result from yesterday's
solutions and literally glare at us waiting for a response in order to move
forward, a lack of response confines us to facing the result of our current
dilemma in a repetitive cycle of crisis after crisis.
Read more
U.S. Senate Judiciary
Hearing on Dairy Pricing
The U.S. Senate Judiciary
Committee conducted a hearing on Dairy Pricing in St. Albans Vermont during
September of 2009. I was honored to be asked to present testimony.
Read more
Select this link to view
the testimony.
Vermont Cow Power Contingent
travels to Rimouski, Quebec
August 20, 2009
The idea of this trip started in the
fall of 2008 when Dominic and Najat Dufour traveled from the Gaspe Peninsula
Quebec Canada with their 3 year old daughter Leila to visit the
CVPS Cow Power™ project at Green Mountain Dairy in Sheldon,
Vermont. After their visit, the Dufours
invited Bill Rowell to the city of Rimouski to speak with a
group of people interested in championing the idea of developing
anaerobic digesters on the smaller farms of their region. The
delegation had the endorsement of Vermont's Governor, Lt
Governor and Secretary of Agriculture. The Rimouski Quebec group
was very interested to learn about how CVPS Cow Power™ works,
and the process of bringing together the various groups to
facilitate such a project. To read
more about the trip click here.
How Do you Stop a Crisis?
While it is recognized that markets fluctuate, our need for a milk market
finds us producing for some that are volatile. Last year's export market of
nearly 11% quickly disappeared causing an over supply of milk which invited
our current situation. We need to identify stable markets for our product,
manage our supply to meet demand, and discourage a market surplus through
price. Read more
Northeast Dairy Summit
March 21, 2009
Dairy Farmers
Working Together
hosted the Northeast Dairy Summit on March 20, 2009 in
Burlington, Vermont.
Thank you to
our attendees and everyone whose hard work made the conference a
Featured Speakers
Nationally Recognized Dairy Economist
Chuck Nicholson, Cornell University;
John Meyer, Holstein Association;
Rob Vandenheuvel, Milk Producers Council;
Calvin Covington, Southeast Milk Inc.;
Bob Naerebout and Jim Stewart, Idaho Dairymen’s
DFWT remains committed to providing creative answers in
unsettled times.
Contact 802-848-7446
U.S. Senate Agricultural Committee Field
On March 12, 2007 the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture held a field
hearing on the 2007 Farm Bill, in Montpelier, Vermont.
I was asked to give testimony for the
Vermont Farm community. Read more

Brian & Bill Rowell
Families accepting the Vermont Farm of the Year award
Green Mountain Dairy
Recognized As Vermont Dairy Farm Of The Year
By Lisa Halvorsen
Freelance Agricultural Journalist for University of Vermont
Like many top dairy producers in Vermont, Brian and Bill Rowell
attribute their success in large part to their ability to think
outside the box to maximize available resources to maximize
Cow comfort ranks high on their agenda, as does communicating
effectively with their 15 fulltime employees and using
practices to protect the environment and preserve the land for
future generations. |